参与国家自然科学基金项目2项(项目号:60872109 & 61175012);
参与教育部科技项目2项(项目号:20110211110026 & 20120211120013)
[1] Min Yuan, BingxinYang, Yide Ma*, Jiuwen Zhang, Runpu Zhang, Caiyuan Zhang. Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction from Highly Undersampled k-Space Data using Non-Subsampled Shearlet transform Sparsity Prior. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2015:1-18.
[2] Min Yuan, BingxinYang, Yide Ma*, Jiuwen Zhang, Fuxiang Lu, Tongfeng Zhang. Multi-Scale UDCT Dictionary Learning Based Highly Undersampled MR Image Reconstruction using Patch-based Constraint Splitting Augmented Lagrangian Shrinkage Algorithm. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering. 2015, 16(12): 1069-1087
[3] Bingxin Yang#, Min Yuan#, Yide Ma*, Jiuwen Zhang and Kun Zhan. Local Sparsity Enhanced Compressed Sensing Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Uniform Discrete Curvelet Domain. BMC Medical Imaging.2015,15:28.
[4] TongFeng Zhang, ShouLiang Li, RongJun Ge, Min Yuan, Guan Gui, and Yi-De Ma*. A chaotic pulse sequence generator based on the tent map. Ieice Electronics Express, 2015, 12(16).
[5] Tongfeng Zhang, Shouliang Li, Rongjun Ge, Min Yuan, and Yide Ma*. A Novel 1D Hybrid Chaotic Map-Based Image Compression and Encryption Using Compressed Sensing and Fibonacci-Lucas Transform. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016.
[1]Min Yuan, BingxinYang, Yide Ma*, Jiuwen Zhang, Runpu Zhang, and Kun Zhan. Compressed Sensing Undersampled MRI Reconstruction using Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding based on NSST. In IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC), Guilin, China, August 2014
[2]Bingxin Yang, Min Yuan, Yide Ma*. Magnetic Resonance Images Reconstruction using Uniform Discrete Curvelet Transform Sparse Prior based Compressed Sensing. In 23rd International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2015 (WSCG 2015), Plzen, Czech Republic, June 2015.
[3]Wen J. Zhang*, Min Dong, Min Yuan, and Ru Y. Zhang. A New Structure of Complex Contourlet Transform and its Application in Denoising and Texture Retrieval,in Proceedings of the 14th IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, Honolulu, USA, August 2012.
[1]马义德、李廉、张在峰、袁敏、张北斗.甘肃省自然科学奖三等奖 脉冲耦合神经网络理论及数字图像处理应用研究.甘肃省人民政府,2006-Z3-019.
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